Los bautistas y su música
* Anttila, Miikka E. Luther's Theology of Music: Spiritual Beauty and Pleasure. Theologische Bibliothek Töpelmann, 2013.
* Ameln, Konrad, ed. Das Achtliederbuch: Nürnberg 1523/24. Kassel und Basel: BärenreiterVerlag, 1957.
* Anton, Karl. Luther und die Musik. 3ª ed. Zwickau: Johannes Hermann, 1928.
* Bach, Johann Sebastian. Gleichwie der Regen und Schnee vom Himmel fällt, BWV 18, Edited by Moritz Hauptmann. Leipzig: Breitkopf & Härtel, 1891. Reprint, New York: Edwin F. Kalmus, 1933. Accessed March 1, 2014, International Scores Music Library Project,
* Bainton, Roland H. Here I Stand: A Life of Martin Luther. New York: AbingdonCokesbury Press, 1950.
* Baker, Theodore and Nicolas Slonimsky. Baker's Biographical Dictionary of Musicians. 7ª ed. New York: Schirmer Books, 1984.
* Barrett, W. A. Luther As a Musician. Monthly Musical Record, 1883.
* Blankenburg, Walter. Johann Walter: Leben und Werk. Tutzing: H. Schneider, 1991.
* Blume, Friedrich. Protestant Church Music: A History. New York: W. W. Norton, 1974.
* Brown, Christopher Boyd. Singing the Gospel: Lutheran Hymns and the Success of the Reformation. Harvard Historical Studies. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2005.
* Burkholder, J. Peter and Claude V. Palisca. Ancient to Baroque. Vol. 1 of Norton Anthology of Western Music. 6ª ed. New York: W.W. Norton & Company, 2010.
* Buszin, Walter E. 'Johann Walter: Composer, Pioneer, and Luther's Musical Consultant'. The Musical Heritage of the Church. 3 vols. Valparaiso. Valparaiso University, 1946.
* The Commission on Worship of The Lutheran Church Missouri Synod. Lutheran Service Book. Saint Louis. Concordia Publishing House, 2006.
* García-Villoslada, Ricardo. Martín Lutero, poeta y músico religioso. Universidad Gregoriana, Roma. Revista de Ciencias Humanas y Sociales, vol. 38, nº 72-73, 1980, págs. 85-122.
* Grout, Donald Jay and Claude V. Palisca. A History of Western Music. 4ª ed. New York; W.W. Norton & Company, 1988.
* Herl, Joseph. Worship Wars in Early Lutheranism: Choir, Congregation and Three Centuries of Conflict. Oxford University Press, 2004.
* Irwin, Joyce L. Neither Voice nor Heart Alone: German Lutheran Theology of Music in the Age of the Baroque. New York: Peter Lang Publishing, Inc., 1993.
* Jenny, Markus. Luthers geistliche Lieder und Kirchengesänge. Cologne: Böhlau Verlag, 1985.
* Julian, John, ed. A Dictionary of Hymnology, 2 vols. New York: Dover Publications, 1957; 2ª rev. & ed., 1907: Luther, Martin.
* Lambert, James F. Luther's Hymns. Philadelphia: General Council Publication House, 1917.
* Leaver, Rovin A. Luther's Liturgical Music Principles and Implications. Lutheran Quartely Books. William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company. Gran Rapids, Michigan, 2007.
* Liemohn, Edwin. The Chorale: Through Four Hundred Years of Musical Development as a Congregational Hymn. Philadelphia: Muhlenberg Press, 1953.
* Luther, Martin. Liturgy and Hymns. Edited by Ulrich S. Leupold. Vol. 53 of Luther's Works, edited by Helmut T. Lehmann. Philadelphia: Fortress Press, 1965.
* Marshall, Robert L. Luther, Bach, and the Early Reformation Chorale. Atlanta: Pitts Theology Library, 1995.
* Mathesius, Johannes. Dr. Martin Luthers Leben. Dresden, 1883 [originally published Eisleben, 1566].
* Moser, Hans Joachim. Die evangelische Kirchenmusik in Deutschland. Berlin-Darmstadt: Carl Merseburger, 1953.
* Nettl, Paul. Luther and Music. New York: Russell & Russell, 1948.
* Pick, Bernhard. Luther's Battle Song: Ein feste Burg ist unser Gott. Its History and Translations. New York: Ernst Kaufmann, 1917.
* Plass, Edward M. What Luther says. St. Louis, Concordia Publishing House, 1959.
* Polack, William Gustave. The Handbook to the Lutheran Hymnal. Saint Louis: Concordia Publishing House, 1942.
* Randel, Don. ed. The New Harvard Dictionary of Music. Cambridge, Mass.: Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 1986.
* Ríos Sánchez, Patrocinio. Acerca de 'Castillo fuerte es nuestro Dios', de Lutero. Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca, DiEci. XXVII, n. 89 (1992).